Storm Bonded Herds


Stormy & Bell

She seemed to float above the ground,

As she galloped through the wide-open field.

Her head high, as if stargazing.

Her mane and tail floating out behind her,

Like a creamy banner.

The sun glistened of her golden coat.


She then turned, like as if she was on a dime.

I could then see her high-spirited light blue eyes.

Her ears flickered back in my direction,

I knew she was aware I was there,

I looked away for just a minute.

Then I felt hot air on my neck,

And smelled the warm musty smell,

I knew she was right behind me.


I turned slowly around,

She stood right in front of me.

Her head lowered, forelock coved her left eye,

I could now see the difference in her eyes,

Once so spirited, now filled with curiosity.

Her mane and tail rippled lightly in the breeze.


Her ear flickered backwards, her head shot up,

She wheeled around, busting into a canter.

Then she slid to a halt, she turned to looked back at me,

She shook her head up and down.

A friendly nicker is what I heard next,

Before she was gone, in a flash of gold,

Galloping across the meadow, head high,

Mane and tail flowing out behind, like a big banner.

A gold streak, across the field’s horizon.

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